Individual no. #6191841 was born and raised in a place where people were allowed to think freely and independently. Everyone was entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. That right was protected by the government, of which represented every individual. It was there that Individual no. #6191841 developed the ideas and work ethic to become a productive member of society.

Individual no. #6191841 now resides in a place where freedom of thought is considered dangerous. An individual is only allowed to believe that, which has been approved by the government. An opinion that is not alligned with the official narrative can get you removed from society, and the ability to provide for yourself or your family taken away. But in the end, it is no longer your duty to provide for yourself or family. That responsibility now belongs to the government, which represents only the select few who control it.

The Dissent Lounge was created to be a place where individuals could speak and think freely, without threat of cancellation. A place where all ideas and opinions are respected, because every individual deserves respect. What started in a 200 sq. ft. concrete and sheet rock lair, has now become a movement for those who refuse to give up their right to freedom of thought. No individual shall be disrepected for their views and no illegal activity is allowed within the walls of the Dissent Lounge.

...until the day it becomes illegal to think for yourself.

*This message has been confirmed by the director of the Department of Approved Information.